Monday, 29 October 2018

In Search of Authenticity:

There is a rhythm and there is a structure. The moon waxes and wanes, exerting an ancient influence on everything. Old trees in forests fall, so that younger ones can grow. Rivers continue to flow for centuries. The insects, birds, reptiles, small and large animals on earth and those in the vast oceans feed on each other, depend on each other keeping the machinery of life going. Rising and falling, like the sun, like the oceans. Like the storms, floods, volcanoes which destroy and then bring forth new life. Everything on earth moves to nature’s own rhythm, all inter-connected, all alive. And it’s this same cosmic rhythm that governs the universe, governs us (humans) as well.   

Except now. For we have chosen to forget and to disconnect.

Now humanity is racing, against this very rhythm. Racing to earn lots of money, to become the next president in a company, so get the latest phone, to buy that car, to have that first kiss, to get married and then get divorced, to touch Eiffel tower and then off to touch Petronas towers, to climb all the tallest mountains, to tick things off the bucket list before others. Racing to do and connect with things that hold no truth. Racing against our very nature, ignoring the fact that living a life that is not ‘nature’ will ultimately self-destroy.        

In this human-created physical reality which is moving so fast away from nature’s reality, I have chosen to stop and ask myself – how authentic is my living? How authentic are my relationships, at what level do I connect with people, how truly do I love? How authentic is my work, do I do the work that I do for money or fame or to resonate with my Spirit, do I even know and use my gifts well? How authentically do I communicate, do I listen well, do I articulate well? How authentic is my connection to myself, do I know who I am when I strip myself off my skin, muscles and bones? How authentic is my connection to my environment, the nature around me, the rising sun and the moon, other sentient beings? How authentically do I live in my body?

I have chosen to stop, slow down, find my truths, return to the rhythm of nature, and reconnect with my home – the Earth.